Thursday, April 24, 2008

Andy Samberg - Makes SNL a livelier place (Fred Armisen Blog)

Fred points to how Andy Samberg makes SNL a livelier place, specifically when filming Laser Cats 3. Check out Fred's blog...

Christopher Walken/Panic at the Disco

I still get the feeling of "omg that's totally Christopher Walken" when he is on the show. He's amazing and really pays attention to every word in a sketch. He treats it all with care.

This was a little bit of a crazy episode in that things really changed from the dress rehearsal to the live show. It happens from time to time and once it's set, it all makes sense. I think that element of unpredictability helps with the energy of the show too.

On Thursday I was walking around the 17th floor (where we do all the writing) and I saw all of this tin foil in the hall. Then I saw Kenan walking around in a top hat followed by an animal wrangler holding a bunch of cute little pugs. I sometimes still can't believe this is a work place.

The cast had a great time doing the Walken Family Reunion sketch. It was especially fun at the read-through, hearing everyone's version of Christopher Walken. The read through, which we do on Wednesdays, is when we read the sketches that everyone wrote. It's kind of like a radio play and there is some pretty incredible material.

A few people have asked me about this character I do on the show, Nicholas Fehn. The political comedian who comments on newspaper headlines. I have a friend who sometimes can't finish one sentence. So it's a little bit of him. I just wanted to try something where a person who claims to have a lot to say doesn't ever actually say anything. Or does he?

Also, I was going to try to add something to this blog where I take pictures of things around the studio on my camera phone. I haven't gotten to it yet but hopefully I will soon.

Thank you!



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