I've got to say that Andy looks so awesome as these tennis stars, that I want him to make a movie where he's impersonating all the major tennis stars (including women) who interact and play with each other in the movie.

At the very least, it would make a hilarious digital short!
The New York Times Magazine asked the photographer Walter Iooss Jr. and the comedian Andy Samberg to take a look back at several iconic men's tennis champions.
Thanks to SamJae for the scoop(s)!
What do you think? Good for a laugh, or should Andy do something more with this gag (a digital short, song, and/or film)?
you should see the pic of Andy as pete sampras!! he looks hot minus the hairy chest!
i love this so much because I actually play on my school's tennis team.. its so weird, Andy seems to always say or do things that totally speak to me, and we have a lot of things in common.. if you were ever wondering, thats a reason why I am so crazy about him! :)
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