Friday, May 22, 2009

Andy Samberg makes fun of Jay Leno (Tonight Show)

For starters, Andy Samberg compares himself to Jay Leno (and his awesome hair):

The Tonight Show - Andy Samberg & Jay Leno: Vintage Comedy Roots...or Heads?

Here's the full show. Skip ahead to 20:00 (the second dot) to see the interview with Andy Samberg:

The Tonight Show - Thu, May 21 2009

Jay and Kevin have a funny exchange about Junk in a Box. Andy tells the ribbon story again (heard this one on Dave, I think). "It was delightful!"

Jay shows Andy doing standup, and Andy counters with the pics comparison.

At 26:40 Andy describes making the Mother Lover video. Andy got the SNL talent department to make the call to get Susan Sarandon and Patricia Wilson.

And then they show Pommel. I think they should have shown one of the other clips instead, especially the Will Arnett one.

So they showed three clips of Andy on the show, which is a lot more than usual.

Keep watching after Andy is done. He shakes Chris Allen's hand. It's funny because the guest was being billed as "the winner of American Idol" which means that both he and Adam had to know that if they won, they had to head to the Tonight Show the next day. And at the end of the show Andy Samberg shakes Lionel Ritchie's hand as the show ends. They show a clip of Jay crying with an "Adam" sign. Not sure why they didn't make a bigger deal of that and show it during the show. My guess is that they thought it was too mean to Adam to call it out more.


In the comments, Tammy was thinking that Andy does more Web surfing and social networking because he said that he found the video of Jay's old standup on However, I don't think he was Web surfing. I think he was advised to watch the video...

Andy also mentioned in an interview that his sister keeps sending him horrible video clips, and he asked her to stop. So a friend might have watched the old Jay Leno performance and sent it to Andy saying that they thought Jay looked like Andy. That might have got Andy to think of this bit where they swap heads and whatnot. Andy probably doesn't surf the net all that much.

One proof of that is when he was on TRL on MTV to promo Hot Rod. And then they brought Smosh on a live feed (the video's in this blog, if you search for it) and showed Smosh's Transformers Rap. Andy had never heard of Smosh before, which is further proof that it's mostly Jorma and some of Akiva that did the Internet stuff. Andy's just not spending much time surfing the Web.

I bet that Andy then asked Jay to show a clip of Andy doing standup first to setup the comparison better. Andy acted surprised when he saw the standup clip, but that was too convenient of a setup. They never showed Andy's standup on a talkshow before that.

Andy probably then got Akiva to do the head animation in some editing software, such as Final Cut Pro. So it all came together for this sweet gag. (Andy usually prepares a gag, such as showing off the Hot Rod underwear, showing a clip of him on Conan naked, showing a clip of Kiefer Sutherland stopping their video, or he prepares a funny story or two.)

All this is just speculation, but that's how I suspect it went down.




Anonymous said...

Did anyone else catch the part where he told Jay that he was on the other day???

*wink wink*

Signs of social-networking life???

(Secretly, it does make it more intriguing to believe that he dosen't)

Ed Price said...

Andy also mentioned in an interview that his sister keeps sending him horrible video clips, and he asked her to stop. So a friend might have watched the old Jay Leno performance and sent it to Andy saying that they thought Jay looked like Andy. That might have got Andy to think of this bit where they swap heads and whatnot. Andy probably doesn't surf the net all that much.

One proof of that is when he was on TRL on MTV to promo Hot Rod. And then they brought Smosh on a live feed (the video's in this blog, if you search for it) and showed Smosh's Transformers Rap. Andy had never heard of Smosh before, which is further proof that it's mostly Jorma and some of Akiva that did the Internet stuff. Andy's just not spending much time surfing the Web.

I bet that Andy then asked Jay to show a clip of Andy doing standup first to setup the comparison better. Andy acted surprised when he saw the standup clip, but that was too convenient of a setup. They never showed Andy's standup on a talkshow before that.

Andy probably then got Akiva to do the head animation in some editing software, such as Final Cut Pro. So it all came together for this sweet gag. (Andy usually prepares a gag, such as showing off the Hot Rod underwear, showing a clip of him on Conan naked, showing a clip of Kiefer Sutherland stopping their video, or he prepares a funny story or two.)

All this is just speculation, but that's how I suspect it went down.


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