We're trying something new! We look at an Andy image or one from an upcoming Andy movie and you write snarky, witty, or otherwise entertaining captions for it. No prizes, it’s just for fun.

Next week we'll announce the winner and post the image with the winning caption (and the image will also include credit to the winner).
So add your caption ideas in the comments!
Question: Hey that Image isn't even of Andy's character! What gives?
Answer: They haven't posted any images of Andy's character (which is odd, cuz he's promoting it at least as much as Anna and Bill are). But it's an upcoming Andy movie, so we'll do it anyway!
(caption): please dont shock me please dont shock me please dont shock me!
Finally!, a way to get rid of all those blasted nose hairs!
:I hope no one notices that I have no idea what i'm doing!
Caption: "I'll show everybody who's the boss by making it foood! Muahaha!"
-Sincerly Tisha
Hehe I love that word you used: Snarky. Anyway I think that "Cloudly With a Chance of Meatball" is gonna be an awesome, hilarious, and cute movie and it has my all-time favorite stars in it: Bill Hader,Anna Faris, Andy Samberg, Bobb'e J. Thompson and some others... Just can't wait for it.. I wish that they showed a picture of Andy's character Brett, I would to see what his character looks like, but I guess I have to wait to see movie and order and that would be a suprise.. =D
-Sincerly Tisha
"Now by using all this voltage from this plant, I will finally be able to get my microwave to work."
You can see what Andy's character looks like on the movie's official website.
I make a mistake I meant for the captions to say: "I'll show everybody who's the boss by making it rain foood! Muahaha!"
-Sincerly Tisha
Awesome everybody! Thanks for the captions! Remember to include your name or else your credit will be "Anony." =^)
"Kids, dont try this at home!"
-Shelby :P
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