Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Andy Samberg and Jimmy Fallon at MTV VMA (the videos)

Photos of Andy's red carpet entrance at the VMAs:


Photos of Andy presenting at the VMAs:


And now to the videos of Andy Samberg...

Andy and Jimmy do their bit:

Andy and Jimmy present an award to Beyonce:

Beyonce brings out Taylor Swift. Kanye, man. That was horrible. If you didn't see it, he cut off Taylor and just thought she could pick back up after he spoke. Come on! Beyonce did go on to win best vid (so it made sense to not give best female vid to Beyonce). Here is what Kanye West pulled (and hopefully they'll stop letting stars storm on the stage):

After that upset, Taylor Swift still pulled this off (before Beyonce brought her on stage):

Kudos to Taylor and Beyonce.

Click here to follow the story of what happened next with Kanye and Taylor (Pink lashed out, Kanye got kicked out, Kanye apologized, and then Taylor discussed it all on The View)...




stacey jones said...

I love kanye but he gotta chance his ways about himself.

aaroncrowe said...

what was he thinking???

Tisha Loves Comedy! said...

Thanks for posting these vids and photos from the VMA's, which were great except that Kanye part, but Im not gonna get into that. Anyway, I love Andy and I was so happy when him and Jimmy presented the biggest award of the night to Beyonce and when Andy and Jimmy were singing some Boys II Men song and Beyonce was singing too, I laughed sooo hard, you dont know how many times I rewinded that! I love when Andy gave the award to Beyonce and he was dancing on stage with her, it reminded of the Paul Rudd/Beyonce skit! I just wished that TLI were nominated for ''Im On a Boat'' and/or ''Jizz In my Pants'', that would be awesome, hopefully next year. =D

Sincerly Tisha-

Anonymous said...

absolutely agree tisha!

Ed Price said...


That's a good point. The Emmys has recognized TLI's work, but the VMAs has yet to do that. Thanks!


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