Monday, July 13, 2009

What's your favorite thing about Andy Samberg?

So what is it about Andy Samberg that you love the most?

- His comedic talents

- His head of curly locks

- The dimple on his chin

- His smile

- His eyes

- His dance moves

Something else?

Thanks to Jordan for this idea.



Anonymous said...

all of the above?

Dystany21 said...

Umm Everything. He's amazing.

Allie said...

agreed, i pretty much love everything about the dude!

Kate said...

I love everything, but if I HAD to pick one, I think it would be his comedic talents, because Jorm is the winner for me on some of the others, like the smile, eyes and dance moves. Although all three are awesome.

Danielle said...

Definitely all of the above. Andy is perfect.

Whisper Something Sweet said...

As the song says "All dee above"! He's funny and has nice lips.

Unknown said...

What I really love about Andy Samberg are the following things: 1) He is the best microcosm and incarnation of the result of the dumbing down of the American public.

2) He will die someday. I hope before he physically dies, that his comedy career dies much sooner.

3) That at best he will wind up like Chevy Chase, only sooner, the major difference being that Chevy Chase was once actually very funny, unlike Andy Samberg.

Unknown said...

What I really love about Andy Samberg are the following things: 1) He is the best microcosm and incarnation of the result of the dumbing down of the American public.

2) He will die someday. I hope before he physically dies, that his comedy career dies much sooner.

3) That at best he will wind up like Chevy Chase, only sooner, the major difference being that Chevy Chase was once actually very funny, unlike Andy Samberg.

Ed Price said...

Dear "The Great,"

(1) At least he doesn't call himself "Great," because man, that would be annoying!

(2) Do you have an example of your comedy that we might compare it to Chevy Chase and Andy Samberg's work?

(3) I agree that Chevy Chase was brilliant. I also think that Chevy Chase ran out of jokes and his last funny film was Christmas Vacation. This is common with comedians. Most people don't know how biting and cutting edge Dan Aykroyd and Steve Martin once were.

(4) I freely admit that Andy hasn't done a movie that has clearly set him as a hilarious comedian.

(5) Have you seen all of Andy's Digital Shorts? On the Ground, In a Box, Mother Lover, Ji** in My Pants, I'm On a Boat, Iran So Far, Young Chuck Norris, Natalie Raps, Lazy Sunday, and Ariel & Efrim? Until you see each and every one of those, you cannot say that Andy isn't funny, because you do not know.

(6) Andy has over 100 million views on YouTube, and he put YouTube and NBC Videos and Hulu on the map. Andy's first CD is a huge hit. In other words, the world disagrees with you. You are entitled to your opinion, but you are the anomaly.


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