Sunday, January 28, 2007

Andy Samberg - is Aaron Carter

Andy Samberg plays Aaron Carter on Saturday Night Live's version of House of Carters. Jason Sudeikis is Nick Carter.

Andy starts to get a little funny with his barking near the end.

Once again, Kenan Thompson pulls out a great straight man, the second time I've found him funny. The other time is playing the straight man in Blizzard Man. Both times he's just reacting to Andy's antics.

"You know, just plain old 'manager' would be fine."


Friday, January 26, 2007

Andy Samberg - Thinks Lost is Purgatory

Andy Samberg thinks that Lost is purgatory in this "Lost in an elevator" sketch. Andy whips out some classic facial expressions here.


"You all died in a plane crash, but now you're stuck in pergatory."


Saturday, January 20, 2007

Andy Samberg - in Awesometown (the theme song)

Here is the theme song for Awesometown, the Lonely Island's failed pilot. The Bu Episode 8 ("We Didn't do the Bu this Month") inspired this song.

I'm mostly including this one because Jorma's cursing rap is censored for television. Obviously, the censored rap later inspired the Saturday Night Live Natalie Portman rap.

You can also see Andy's goofy humor here a bit.

"So if you have a sandwich come roll with me!"


Thursday, January 18, 2007

Andy Samberg Videos - 2001-2006

Seeing how we just finished 2006, I'm including all video finds I've blogged from 2001 through 2006. This way you can check out Andy Samberg's humor chronologically.

You'll notice that I haven't blogged every single Andy Samberg video. I'm sticking to just the ones that I liked. =^)

Some of them, like Awesometown, have good parts, but as a whole, it doesn't showcase Andy's humor well enough. I also don't play the videos that are too raunchy. However, as a warning, there is a little bit of inapprorpiate language in almost every one of these videos.

WARNING: Please don't play more than one of these videos at a time, and don't click the video while it is playing to go to the original web page (if you have two of the exact same video playing, you'll get your browser to crash). If you play too many videos at once, your browser may slow down and crash.

The Lonely Island (2004 and earlier)

Vanilla Sky:

Lethal Objection:


Kablamo! (2001)

Awesometown Theme Song:

Glirk (from Awesometown):

Andy Samberg on TV (2005-ish)

Premium Blend - standup comedy: (January 7, 2005)

Saturday Night Live Tour (Channel 101):

Ron Google (2006):

Saturday Night Live - 2005

Taco Town: (Oct 8, 2005)

Lettuce Commercial: (Dec 3, 2005)

The Man Who Married a Hot Dog: (Dec 10, 2005)

Lazy Sunday Narnia Rap: (Dec 17, 2005)

Glirk (with Jack Black): (Dec 17, 2005)

Saturday Night Live - 2006

Swedish Chef: (Jan 14, 2006)

Pirate Convention: (Jan 21, 2006)

Young Chuck Norris: (Jan 21, 2006)

Steve Martin Kills Alec Baldwin: (Feb 4, 2006)

Natalie Portman's Star Wars Monologue: (March 4, 2006)

Natalie Portman Rap: (March 4, 2006)

Laser Cats: (April 15, 2006)

Testicles Song: (May 6, 2006)

MySpace Class: (May13, 2006)

The Usual Suspects: (May 20, 2006)

The Falconer: Time Travel (May 20, 2006)

Andy Walking: (May 20, 2006)

Harpoon Man: (Oct 21, 2006)

House of Carters: (Oct 21, 2006)

Blizzard Man: (Nov 18, 20006)

Lost in an Elevator: (Dec 02, 2006)

Gift in a Box: (Dec 9, 2006)

Because this post took so long, I haven't gotten all the videos in order. If you know a date for a video or see it out of order, please post a comment and I'll fix it.

Thanks! Enjoy!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Andy Samberg - New Hot Rod Images

These two pics feature Andy Samberg from Saturday Night Live. He's starring in his first movie! Andy's first movie he's ever been in is a starring role. This is almost unheard of.

Andy Samberg is starring in a new movie called Hot Rod. This is a photo of Andy from the movie.

This is most likely Andy in character of the movie, near the end. He's wearing a fake mustache, so the character is wrapped up in his task of being a Hot Rod and making the jump. Afterwards he gets the girl and the movie is over. Kind of like Dodge Ball. A big difference here is that I expect the ride along the way to be very funny. Andy Samberg is going into movies from this point on. This is like Adam Sandler with Billy Madison (but on a much bigger scale). Andy may do a season or two more of SNL before he gives up trying to do both and just devotes himself to movies.

The second image is Andy with his character's love interest, played by Isla Fisher. Or is his love interest played by Britney Irvin?


Photos from imdb:

Question: Who else has had their first movie be a starring role?

Question: Who plays Andy's love interest in Hot Rod?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

A Note from Andy Samberg and the Lonely Island Dudes

Here is a note from Andy Samberg and the Dudes from October 15, 2006. It is featured on Chez Chat.

Any Andy Samberg fan should get to be familiar with the Lonely Island website.

They were starting their second season of Saturday Night Live. They had just finished Hot Rod, and were editing the movie like mad. You can tell that they were busy in postproduction on their film from the lack of SNL Digital Shorts in the first few months (the only solid one was Harpoon Man until the Special Present hit with Justin Timberlake).

It will be good to see Chris Parnell with the dudes again since he got cut from SNL this season. They mostly talk about who they've worked with on the movie.


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