Whether you're new to the Emmy-winning and Grammy-nominated Andy Samberg or you're looking for the latest Andy news, images, and videos, come here to find out about the king of The Lonely Island, Saturday Night Live, Lazy Sunday, Laser Cats, Junk in a Box, Dear Sister, Hot Rod, J**z in My Pants, I'm on a Boat, Mother Lover, On the Ground, and Shy Ronnie. Next movies: What's Your Number, and Friends with Benefits.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Andy Samberg - Threatens to jump (Peyote)
Through good times and bad it's Peyote.
This was a semi-sequel to Lettuce, which also starred Will Forte and Andy Samberg.
This was from Andy's first season on SNL. Notice Jorma Taccone walking by them.
Also notice the lack of laughing from the audience. =^)
Andy Samberg - Has a present for you (Junk in a Box)
Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake have a very special Christmas gift for you.
"Step 1: Cut a hole in the box."
This is a Saturday Night Live Digital Short titled "A Special Christmas Box." This is the uncensored version:
"Christmas... Hanukah... Kwanzaa..."
The censored version was shown on TV. The bleeps actually make it funnier to me:
And a link:
The Animation Empire Update:
Check out our fake Vlog sketch, Following Directions Part 2...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Andy Samberg - Gets shot by Will Forte (Dopple Ganger)
Is that your twin?
Andy Samberg, Seth Meyers, and Will Forte sit around and try to find their Dopple Ganger. Apparently, Andy's double is Horatio Sanz as a bum.
This is from Andy Samberg's first season on SNL.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Jack Johnson talks about Andy Samberg
From Jack:
After raving about seeing the Pixies reunion in Australia a few years ago, Johnson adds that he loved the Saturday Night Live sketch that skewered him as being, well, mellow. “I thought it was hilarious. It’s kind of weird to see someone acting like you. That guy [Andy Samberg] nails me too, he’s really fun. He’s got a good hum, the head side to side. I never really wear a hemp necklace, though,” he said. “I just played a festival with Dave Matthews a couple of days ago and we did the skit onstage a little bit. I said, ‘Welcome to the Mellow Show, this is my next guest, Dave Matthews,’ and he came out and said into the microphone ‘Snickerdoodle cookie.’ We were both cracking up.”
Full interview:
By the way, here's Andy's impression in JJ Casuals:
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Andy Samberg - Goes on a date (Hot Rod)
Rod's date isn't quite what he imagined. From Hot Rod.
Andy Punching remake - Cell Phones
This Is A Video I Made For techtv* This Spring. Its A Video Of Gary Punching People While On THEIR Cell Phones. Basically A Knock Off Of The SNL Punched Video Of Andy Samberg Punching People Just Before Eating...
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Hot Rod deleted scene - Kevin's Karaoke (Cool Beans)
It's called "Kevin's Karaoke." It's right before Andy Sambergs Rod character walks in and they do Cool Beans. This is a cute version of Jorma's rap shtick.
And, of course, the great and wonderful Cool Beans with Andy and Jorma:
Anne didn't like Daiquiri Girl
What happens when you mix Andy Samberg without Gnarles Barkley?
“Daquiri Girl” by Clementine and boy did I suffer because of it.
Andy must have read my previous post specifically forbidding future installments of Laser Cats so instead he created the worst SNL Digital Short music video in history.
Andy, if your musical guest doesn’t show or cancels on you at the last moment just make Laser Cats 4, I know that you already wrote the script.
Thankfully I don't have to go into my usual detail because it's available here. Note the scrolling text that explains Samberg’s plight.
And to think I used to enjoy daquiris.
I’m going to go have a nightmare about this.
More later,
Friday, April 25, 2008
Andy Samberg's Digital Shorts - Their history and future
The dudes have only had one hit Digital Short this year so far with Iran So Far. They had 2 other great shorts: Andy Punching and Laser Cats 3D. There were also good ones like Hero's Song, DVD Grandsons, The Miror, and Jonah's Dating Andy's Dad. (They also had Daiquiri Girl.) Total so far of 3 songs (1 was great) and 3 great shorts.
Last Season, the dudes had two hits with Junk in a Box and Dear Sister. They also had other great shorts like Andy Popping onto Frame, Business Meeting, and Harpoon Man. They also had good shorts like Talking Dog, Laser Cats 2, Roy Rules, Sloths, and Nurse Nancy. Total of 4 songs (2 were great) and 5 great shorts.
Their first season, the dudes had two hits with Narnia Rap (Lazy Sunday) and Natalie Portman Rap. They also had other great shorts like Laser Cats, Young Chuck Norris, Ariel & Erfim (My Testicles), Lettuce, and Andy Walking. And they had a few good ones like Doppleganger, an Peyote. Total of 4 songs (all 4 were great) and 7 great shorts.
Personally, I think Ariel & Efrim (My Testicles) and Young Chuck Norris should have also been bigger hits. Note that I'm not really mentioning the Andy-less shorts or the ones that didn't feature Andy much.
We're numbering the seasons by Andy Samberg because, hey, this IS an Andy Samberg blog site. =^)
Andy Samberg Season 1 (2005-2006) - SNL Digital Shorts
1. Lettuce - 3 December 2005
2. Lazy Sunday - 17 December 2005
3. Young Chuck Norris - 21 January 2006
4. The Tangent - 4 February 2006
5. Close Talkers - 4 February 2006
6. Natalie Raps - 4 March 2006
7. Doppelgänger - 11 March 2006
8. Laser Cats! - 15 April 2006
9. Ariel & Efrim - 6 May 2006
10. Peyote - 13 May 2006
11. Andy Walking - 20 May 2006
Andy Samberg Season 2 (2006-2007) - SNL Digital Shorts
Note: 3-1, 6-1, 8-1, 9-1, and 11-1 are unofficial.
1. Cubicle Fight - 30 September 2006
2. Harpoon Man - 21 October 2006
3. Pep Talk - 9 December 2006
3-1. An SNL Movie Trailer Recut: Apocalypto - 9 December 2006
4. Junk in a Box - 16 December 2006
5. Laser Cats! 2 - 13 January 2007
6. Nurse Nancy - 20 January 2007
6-1. MacGruber (3 parts) - 20 January 2007
7. Body Fuzion - 3 February 2007
8. Andy Popping Into Frame - 10 February 2007
8-1. Sloths - 10 February 2007
9. Business Meeting - 24 February 2007
9-1. United Way - 24 March 2007
10. The Shooting (Dear Sister) - 14 April 2007
11. Roy Rules! - 21 April 2007
11-1. MacGruber 2 (3 parts) - 12 May 2007
12. Talking Dog - 19 May 2007
Andy Samberg Season 3 (2007-2008) - SNL Digital Shorts
Note: 1-1, 4-1, 7-1, and 9-1 are unofficial.
1. Iran So Far - 29 September 2007
1-1. MacGruber 3 (3 parts) - 6 October 2007
2. Andy Punches - 13 October 2007
3. A Day in the Life of Brian Williams - 3 November 2007
4. Grandkids in the Movies - 23 February 2008
4-1. Virgania Horsen's Hot Air Balloon Rides - 23 February 2008
5. The Mirror - 1 March 2008
6. Hero Song - 8 March 2008
7. Andy's Dad - 15 March 2008
7-1. MacGruber 4 - 15 March 2008
8. Laser Cats! 3D - 5 April 2008
9. Daiquiri Girl - 12 April 2008
9-1. Death by Chocolate (3 parts) - 12 April 2008
The Future of SNL Digital Shorts
The thing is, the dudes have to re-invent themselves every season (that's the corner they put themselves in with the digital shorts; it's not like Will Ferrell where he could nail the same characters and make everyone happy).
A friendly reminder that these are just our opinions...
Are the dudes running out of juice? Season 1 of "Andy Samberg on SNL" had 4 songs. All were great. Season 2 had 4 songs, although only 2 were great. Season 3 has had 3 songs so far, but only one has been great.
Season 1 had 7 great digital shorts. Season 2 had 5 great digital shorts. So far, Season 3 has had 3 great digital shorts. Are they slipping? Are they going downhill?
Notice how Laser Cats 3 was great? If they are able to continue hits with sequels that are still fresh (what people like Mike Meyers and Will Ferrell are known for), then they will be able to keep the ball rolling more. I mean, people really want another Natalie Portman Rap, more Young Chuch Norris, Justin and Andy, and, of course, more Lazy Sundays. They've only recognized this with Laser Cats.
Come on, Andy! You can't come up with original ideas forever! We want sequels to your hits (as long as you keep them fresh ala Mike Meyers, Will Ferrel, and Laser Cats 3)!
Hot Ronda: The Kevin Chronicles
The ladies do their own Hot-Rod style video. Checka it out.
Discovered by Sparkly Jen over at the Candy:
Is Jorma gone from SNL for good?
Is Jorma gone from SNL for good?
Let's speculate. This is good speculation, but that's all this is. There is no proof that Jorma is gone from SNL for good.
Here's why I think he might be gone for good:
(1) His name isn't appearing in the SNL credits anymore.
This is a pretty big hint.
(2) He wasn't in the behind the scenes video where Akiva and Andy talked about making the Jonah Hill digital short (Jonah dates Andy's dad).
(3) We haven't had a good Digital Short song since Iran So Far (Hero Song and Daiquiri Girl don't cut it).
Jorma is the genius behind a lot of the concepts, lyrics, and music mixes.
(4) Jorma just hasn't been fighting to get on SNL as hard as he used to.
He auditioned for the show with Andy (and was offered a writing and music position instead). Then, the first season, he was on screen during Lettuce, the Usual Suspects skit (with Kevin Spacey), and My Testicles (with Tom Hanks and Andy). So he probably pushed to get on screen those times. He seems to care about being on SNL less every season. If he was proactive and went for it, I'd think they would have had added him as a featured player on SNL by now.
(5) Joni blogged that Jorma was going to go be in Will Ferrell's Land of the Lost movie.
Here's the latest from Hollywood:
Jorm is joining Will Ferrell and "Hot Rod" co-star, Danny McBride in next summer's huge blockbuster "Land of the Lost" movie as CHAKA!!!
Here's how (I'm pretty sure) it happened...
Jorm was sitting around signing notarized documents and sending out faxes when it occurred to him that he should be in a Hollywood summer blockbuster. So, he immediately faxed a fax off to Hollywood (where 93% of all magic happens [by fax]) and they faxed him back a big ole "YES!!!".
Well, I'm gonna go refill the toner in my fax machine and fax Jorm a picture of my balls and/or a heartfelt congrats!
Read more about it by fax or internet
(6) Jorma might have cleared out a little early...
Taccone is currently wrapping up this season of "Saturday Night Live" and will then report to Los Angeles to film his scenes likely under tons of prosthetics. LAND OF THE LOST just began filming in Los Angeles.
(7) Jorma hasn't been in the SNL photos and videos lately
Jorma hasn't been in the photos and videos lately that are taken as the SNL stars arrive and leave.
Of course, this is just speculation, and all this could be explained away. As Anonymous says in the comments, perhaps he just got hired away from SNL to do the movie. Then he'd just come back to work at SNL. And perhaps he isn't trying to get on camera simply because he's not interested in being a cast member on the show anymore. That doesn't necessarily mean he's done with the show. Maybe he's fine just being a writer and wants to save acting for the movies instead.
So, how does this affect Andy Samberg and Andy fans?
(1) The Digital Shorts aren't up to par
Daiquiri Girl proved that Andy really can't wing it when people cancel.
The dudes have only had one hit Digital Short this year with Iran So Far, and that was when we know that Jorma was there.
The thing is, the dudes have to re-invent themselves every season (that's the corner they put themselves in with the digital shorts; it's not like Will Ferrell where he could nail the same characters and make everyone happy). That's where Jorma is essential. It was his idea to do the Narnia Rap and Natalie Portman Rap (the rapping shtick is definitely his brain child, if you watch the Lonely Island vids you'll see).
It was Jorma's idea to do Junk in a Box. They need Jorma to come up with the songs and to mix the music. Otherwise, they're left with some good shorts that aren't hits.
(2) This is another step in the dudes having independent projects
Jorma is off on a major solo project this summer. Will the dudes stick together after he comes back?
I'm pretty sure they will, but if they each get enough solo projects like these (Akiva has been going off to do his music videos as well), then they may just split up without even trying.
Think about it: they are already splitting up for small independent projects. Andy Samberg is spending more of his time with Seth Meyers, Kenan, Amy/Will, Bill, and Joanna. That means he's slowly spending less time with Jorma and Kiv.
If the projects slowly get bigger and there are more of them, the Lonely Island may split up without even intending to. As they do more independent projects, they will build friendships and relationships that will pull their time away from each other.
If the dudes end up splitting apart, how funny will they be apart? I mean, while I love Andy, he's not as popular as Will Ferrell was. Without the talent of his friends, could he hold his own on SNL and in the movies? I think he could nail many great skits on his own, but what it comes down to are the ideas and the writing, and the dudes are much stronger together in that area than apart.
Is Jorma done with SNL? If so, how is this going to shape the Lonely Island dudes?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Andy Samberg - Showed up with Ben Stiller for Autism (Night of too many stars)
Also pictured: Conan O’Brien, Jon Stewart, Ben Stiller, Sarah Silverman, Jonah Hill, Will Arnett, Amy Poehler
Andy Samberg showed up with pals Adam Levine (Iran So Far), Amy Poehler (Young Chuck Norris), and Will Arnett (Hot Rod).
Bigger image of Ben Stiller with Andy Samberg:
Andy Samberg - Makes SNL a livelier place (Fred Armisen Blog)

Christopher Walken/Panic at the Disco
I still get the feeling of "omg that's totally Christopher Walken" when he is on the show. He's amazing and really pays attention to every word in a sketch. He treats it all with care.This was a little bit of a crazy episode in that things really changed from the dress rehearsal to the live show. It happens from time to time and once it's set, it all makes sense. I think that element of unpredictability helps with the energy of the show too.
On Thursday I was walking around the 17th floor (where we do all the writing) and I saw all of this tin foil in the hall. Then I saw Kenan walking around in a top hat followed by an animal wrangler holding a bunch of cute little pugs. I sometimes still can't believe this is a work place.
The cast had a great time doing the Walken Family Reunion sketch. It was especially fun at the read-through, hearing everyone's version of Christopher Walken. The read through, which we do on Wednesdays, is when we read the sketches that everyone wrote. It's kind of like a radio play and there is some pretty incredible material.
A few people have asked me about this character I do on the show, Nicholas Fehn. The political comedian who comments on newspaper headlines. I have a friend who sometimes can't finish one sentence. So it's a little bit of him. I just wanted to try something where a person who claims to have a lot to say doesn't ever actually say anything. Or does he?
Also, I was going to try to add something to this blog where I take pictures of things around the studio on my camera phone. I haven't gotten to it yet but hopefully I will soon.
Thank you!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Andy Samberg - His favorite sketch is Roy Rules (North by Northwestern Interview)
When Andy Samberg first strode into Ryan Auditorium, dressed in a plaid flannel shirt, tight jeans and white Reeboks he later said were given to him for free, he looked “like such a baller,” as an event worker put it.
Samberg, a writer and performer best known for his work on Saturday Night Live, talked with students at a Hillel-sponsored event Tuesday night. The sold-out show took the form of a “fireside chat,” as Samberg called it, monitored by Northwestern junior Shauna Perlman.
Northwestern group Mee-Ow opened for Samberg. Introducing themselves as “five gentiles,” and making several jokes directed at Judaism, they set the mood for the rest of the night. The conversation portion of the show opened with Samberg’s best-known digital short, “Dick in a Box,” featuring Justin Timberlake, on the projector screen. Various clips of Samberg’s sketches were interspersed throughout the talk, accompanied by his artful commentary.
The general atmosphere was informal and personal, as students got to listen to Perlman’s question-and-answer portion, then participate in their own open interview session. Samberg freely made jokes on virtually every subject, from his Passover plans (he shared his scheme to steal the Declaration of Independence) to his relationship status (in which he linked himself to Hillary Clinton, the entire Las Vegas cast of Cirque du Soleil, Ryan Seacrest and Snoopy).
The strong fan base Samberg has at Northwestern was evident when several fans showed their dedication. During a question about the crazy things fans had done, a girl ran on stage and gave Samberg a gift — a mix CD and a note — that he proceeded to open and pretend to read out loud, to her embarassment.
“This isn’t how you pictured it last night?” Samberg asked.
Before the evening officially began, Samberg sat down to talk with us about stand-up, Internet stardom and the ideas he gets in the shower.
You’re here through Hillel. How has your Jewish background affected your comedy?
It’s hard for me to really gauge. I don’t do a lot of comedy about Judaism, but obviously a lot of my heroes were Jewish. You have Mel Brooks and your Marx Brothers and your Larry David. So it’s affected it enormously and really not at all. I don’t think I’ve ever done anything comedically where the joke of it had to do with Judaism and Jewishness, but there’s definitely a proud tradition of comedy in the Jews.
How did your sketch group, The Lonely Island, begin?
Akiva [Schaffer] and Jorba [Taccone], I’ve known them since the seventh grade. And they were better friends with each other in junior high, and then we all started hanging out together in high school, at Berkeley High. We were all kind of just goofballs. After we graduated college, we all three kind of just, well I don’t know how it even happened, we just sort of happened to start talking, and all three of us were kind of interested in doing the same thing.
So the three of us moved to L.A. and rented an apartment and had a couple of pretty low-rank years, eating canned food and working temp jobs. Then we started shooting around stuff, just borrowing friends’ digital cameras and just shooting stuff. Then Akiva, with his brother’s help, started putting it onto a Web site and that started to grow. And then just on from there. We kept shooting, got involved in other stuff, started meeting more people, did a few pilots and I was doing stand-up the whole time.
How did you get offered the opportunity to write for the MTV Movie Awards?
My friend Murray, who also helped me get my first job in L.A., recommended us. He’d been working there as a sitcom writer, and we were at the same agency, so it was easy.
But we worked on the MTV Movie Awards both years basically for free. ‘Cause they were paying us one writer’s salary — it’s MTV so it’s cheap to begin with — so we were splitting it three ways. We were probably paying as much taxes on the money as we were making.
But we did it, and it’s so weird how right we were to do it. We did it [thinking], “Oh yeah, it’s a good experience, it’ll hone our skills, and we’ll make connections.” Then the second year we did it, it was 100 percent how we got SNL. Jimmy Fallon was hosting [the awards show], and he brought some SNL producers with him and a bunch of writers. We really just hit it off and were all just hanging out, and Jimmy liked us and recommended us to Lorne [Michaels, SNL’s producer].
You started off doing sketch comedy on the Internet, but now you’re featured on TV shows and in films. What have you made of the whole transition, and was it something that caught you by surprise?
It’s been crazy. It’s been super-duper crazy, but awesome. And always kind of what we wanted. I would always act like I expected it, but you never really expect it, you know what I mean? I knew that I thought the three of us were funny. I knew that I found us very funny, and that we had friends who found us funny. And I would do stand-up, and there’d always be those 15 people in the crowd out of 100 who thought I was really funny. But I also knew that the other 85 could kind of care less, so it’s always hard to know where you’re actually going to fall in the bigger scheme.
We’re still kind of figuring that out. I think we’ve gotten a lot of attention because of those two things: “Lazy Sunday” and “-- in a Box.” They both crossed over in a really big way for sketches, and the media latched on to them, but I mean, there are still people that find us obnoxious. That’s always how it’s going to be when you’re trying to do something funny.
You’ve done a lot of work in different mediums already. Do you see yourself trying anything else in the future?
I want to go back to stand-up at some point; I just haven’t had time to write. I haven’t done that pretty much since I got SNL. The three of us want to make an album; we’re seriously talking about doing that finally, which would be more of the same songs and stuff. That would be kickass.
How do you come up with the ideas for some of your sketches, particularly the digital shorts?
All kinds of ways. Sometimes I’ll think of something in the shower three weeks before the show. Well, it’s not always me, someone else might come up with an idea in the shower. Sometimes it’s literally Friday afternoon, and we have to have a digital short the next day. So we’ll have to get together: we sit down and we just have to do it.
Some people say SNL was better years ago. What do you have to say to that as a writer and a performer on the show?
They always say it. If you ask the original cast of SNL what people said about the second season of SNL, they said it was better last season. It’s the same people that everyone says now will never be topped. I remember growing up watching, it was Dana Carvey, Phil Hartman and Jon Lovitz, and I would hear people say it then: “Oh, it’s okay, but it’s not as good as it used to be.” Then it was Sandler, Farley and Spade, and everyone would be like, “Oh, it sucks, it’s not as good anymore.”
But now people look at that stuff as pure, classic SNL stuff. Then it was [Will] Ferrell and Cheri Oteri and Ana Gasteyer and [Chris] Kattan, and they were like, “Ugh, who are these guys?” And now Will Ferrell, everyone agrees, is the hugest and awesome-est dude in the world.
So I think I love it. I love that people say that, ’cause it makes me know that we’re just like everyone else. And when a show’s been going on for 32, 33 years or whatever it’s been, there’s no way it can live up to everyone’s expectations. At that point, three generations are watching it.
What is your favorite bit you’ve done?
I really like “Roy Rules,” the digital short we did. Randomly, just on a personal note, because it was about my real life brother-in-law and how I wanted to have sex with him. And I showed his actual picture at the end.
That was a “holy --” moment for me, like SNL is my playground. I’m pulling a prank on my brother-in-law on national television. That was pretty kickass. And he’s cool, but he was not thrilled about the gay stuff. Which only made it so much sweeter.
There’s a rumor that there’s a clause in your SNL contract that you’re not allowed to cut your hair because it’s part of your image. True or false?
It’s absolutely not true, but I love that that’s out there. I kind of don’t want to deny it ’cause I think that’s such a kickass rumor. I think there’s even such a thing for me with Lorne, that my hair is getting a little too long. Lorne doesn’t like any of the cast members getting too shaggy. He wants us to look presentable.
Do you have advice for aspiring writers or performers?
Just write and shoot and perform. I’d say the first 50 things I did were terrible — not that everything I do now is great, but looking back, there were definitely some bad things. You have to figure out what your moves are, figure out what works and what doesn’t, and develop your own style.
Andy Samberg - Has a sexy Jew nose
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Andy Samberg - Is dating Hilary Clinton (show at Northwestern in Illinois)
SNL's Andy Samberg delivers playful talk to students in Tech
SNL's Andy Samberg delivers playful talk to students in Tech
Hillel Leadership Council President Scott Topal was pacing the sidewalk outside Tech at about 6:45 p.m. Tuesday night, waiting for "Saturday Night Live" star Andy Samberg to arrive.
Minutes later Samberg strolled through the door of Tech on Tuesday night in a red plaid shirt, jeans and white sneakers, no entourage in sight.
"Oh my God, he's just chilling wearing sunglasses and a messenger bag," one girl said.
"He looked like such a balla walking through the front door there," another guy said.
Samberg's casual entrance set the tone for his 8 p.m. performance in front of about 600 NU students at Ryan Family Auditorium, hosted by NU's Fiedler Hillel Center.
Shauna Perlman, a member of the Hillel executive board, moderated the discussion. The Communication junior used questions chosen by members of Hillel and submitted by students to the Hillel Web site. The students with the three best questions were invited to attend an afterparty with Samberg in Tech's Cohen Faculty Commons.
NU improv comedy group MeeOw opened for Samberg. After 25 minutes, the lights dimmed and Samberg's most famous SNL Digital Short, "Dick in a Box," was screened to roars of approval from the audience.
The conversation continued with questions about Samberg's career, sense of humor and personal life, along with several more clips of his work. Samberg said he started out by moving to Los Angeles after college with writers and longtime friends, creating their own videos at a time when the Internet wasn't used much for posting creative work.
He also denied rumors that his contract states he can't cut his famous curly hair while on SNL.
"Lorne (Michaels, SNL creator) has been begging me to shave my head," Samberg said. "He said, 'You look like a retard.' Really, he said that."
Samberg briefly addressed the topic of being a Jewish comedian. He suggested Hillel bring Mel Brooks as its next Jewish speaker. When asked about his plans for the upcoming Passover holiday, Samberg put on a serious face and said, "I'm going to steal the Declaration of Independence. There's a treasure map on it."
Halfway through the show, a member of the audience ran to the stage, screaming "Andy, I love you," and threw a package at his feet. Samberg started to read the enclosed letter after the audience insisted.
"You guys, it's actually just normal and sweet. … WHAT? Is that even legal in this state?" he said.
The audience member, Communication senior Kat Palardy, later had the chance to ask Samberg, "Is it lonely being famous?" After staring in mock disbelief for about 20 seconds, Samberg asked if she would marry him.
After the show, Palardy was invited to the afterparty. She said the package contained a DVD of her own stand-up comedy.
"It was more of a conversation than I ever imagined I'd actually have with Andy Samberg," Palardy said.
At times, Samberg broke out of the question-and-answer format to interact with audience members and even poke fun at them.
"Oh, this fireside chat format suits us," he said in a mocking manner.
At the end, the discussion was opened up to questions from the audience.
Samberg avoided a real answer when asked about his love life. He claimed to be involved with the entire cast of Cirque de Soleil, Ryan Seacrest, Snoopy and even Hillary Clinton.
"You probably have heard the rumors, and yes, it's true, Hillary Clinton and I. It's steamy. We do things to each other you would not believe," he said.
The audience responded enthusiastically to Samberg's performance, but some students were disappointed when he didn't come out to sign autographs afterwards. Chris Poole said he thought Samberg was "fantastic," but wished the questions would have delved deeper into the inner workings of SNL.
"I think we missed a huge opportunity to talk to this comic genius," the Communication sophomore said.
Other audience members had no complaints.
"He was a lot more chill than I expected but still really funny and down to earth, and that made me like him even more," said Weinberg sophomore Megan Sugrue.
Hits & Misses of Hot Rod
Music - Blaze Of Glory by Bon Jovi
Monday, April 21, 2008
Andy Samberg - Explains Daiquiri Girl (Q&A at Northwestern in Illinois)
As The Daily sat down to interview Andy Samberg Tuesday night before his show, Samberg said he first had to go to the restroom. "Don't worry, I don't really have to go, I'm just gonna do, like, cocaine," he joked. He also said a "Saturday Night Live" intern pointed out an earlier Daily article noting the show did not initially sell out at Northwestern, prompting fellow cast members to poke fun at him.
The Daily: What were you like in college, and how did your college experience affect your career?
AS: What was I like in college? I was pretty normal. I had an interesting college experience in that I transferred schools halfway through. I went to Santa Cruz for two years and then I transferred to NYU for the film school, Tisch, which was rad. Both of them are super awesome. I don't know, I'm not good at explaining what I was like. I mean, I was definitely not like a super diligent student. But just like in high school and everything before that; creative writing classes were the ones that I put all my effort into, so I guess they did inform my career because that's what I cared about and that's what I ended up doing.
The Daily: What did you hear about Northwestern before you came, and what made you want to come here?
AS: I hear that it's just the balls. Seth Meyers went here so he always talks fondly about it, and my friend Liz Cackowski, who does the Jeannie Tate show on YouTube; a soccer mom that does a talk show out of her minivan. She went here too, so I hear about Northwestern all the time, almost to the point of nausea. But clearly people really like it. So far, I'm enjoying it tremendously.
The Daily: What is being on SNL like? What's it like behind the scenes?
AS: It's amazing. It was my dream to be on SNL since I was like eight, so working there, I constantly feel like I'm going to wake up, 'cause I actually had like literal dreams of working there before I ever thought that I could audition or anything. But it also definitely can be stressful and it's a super intense schedule. I get colds a lot; a lot of smoothies being hoarded around there.
The Daily: How do you get ideas for your digital shorts?
AS: All kinds of ways. Sometimes I'll think of something in the shower three weeks before the show; or sometimes it's literally Friday afternoon and the show is the next day and we have to have a digital short, so we just sit down and lock our office door and try to come up with something. And sometimes it goes even later than that, as happened this past week. I don't know if you guys saw the last digital short; (Gnarls Barkley) actually did cancel. They're our friends, so it's no hard feelings, but we had a whole 'nother idea, that by the way I thought of like two hours previous to that, so it was still cutting it pretty (expletive) close. We were all set up and ready to shoot and I was in that ridiculous wig and outfit and then they called and were like, we're not coming.
The Daily: What advice would you have for NU students that want to break into the same kind of career you have?
AS: Just write and shoot and perform. I would say the first 50 things I did were terrible. Not to say that everything we do now is great, but I look back at stuff that I did as recently as a few years ago and I feel a little embarrassed 'cause you learn so much so fast when you're just working a lot. And you kind of work the kinks out and sort of get a lot of bad ideas out of your system. I think with comedy especially you have to figure out what your moves are, and figure out what does work for you and what doesn't. I think the more you do it the more you develop your own style and sort of graduate from just emulating the people you look up to. But especially with the Internet now, if you feel like you have sketch ideas, shoot them. If they're good, they can catch on. It doesn't matter who you are or where you are.
The Daily: How do you feel that the Internet has affected your career?
AS: It's interesting because I feel like the press is kind of saying that we got big on the Internet and then got SNL, but we were on the Internet for like four years. We got SNL from a recommendation from writing on the MTV Movie Awards. We made something that aired on SNL on national television and then it was all over the Internet. So it took being on a network television show to really get that going. That being said, the Internet has affected us hugely, because "Lazy Sunday" just happened to be the clip that rode the YouTube wave. It was really just fortunate. That was the clip that everyone was like, "What's this YouTube?" 'cause someone forwarded it to them, and then all of the sudden they made like a hundred billion dollars. It was very fortunate for us, 'cause we got tons of press for it, and it raised our profile on the show and allowed us to make "Hot Rod" pretty much. Now there's a demand for the digital shorts, which is awesome, 'cause it gives us a little niche there.
The Daily: "Lazy Sunday" and "Dick in a Box" are obviously the things that you're the most well known for. When you made those, did you have some idea of how successful they'd be?
AS: No. "Lazy Sunday" especially. That was the third digital short we shot in our first season, so we were like, "Go(sh), I hope it doesn't get cut." 'Cause the one we'd made the week before did get cut. And then it just kinda got out of control. But also it was surprising to us because we had been doing stuff really similar to "Lazy Sunday" on our Web site for three or four years. If people go to thelonelyisland.com, and watch like Stork Patrol or Ka-Blamo or any of those things, it's the same joke. But it was cool for us to get known for doing exactly what we had been doing. It felt really satisfying.
The Daily: We heard rumors that some of the Northwestern frats were going to invite you to hang out after your performance. Did they, and are you going to take them up on that offer?
AS: I have not been invited yet. I'll think about it, probably not. I don't feel very well. Still kind of recovering from Saturday. Diddy was at the show, so I didn't meet him or anything.
A super-faithful remake of "Andy Punching"
The original:
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Andy Samberg - A breakdown of his Space Chimps trailer
Description of Space Chimps:
"Two NASA chimps are sent to a galaxy far, far away. One chimp has 'The Right Stuff,' and the other, a good natured goofball, has 'The Wrong Stuff.' The two chimps find themselves on a strange, uncharted planet, where they embark on a fantastical journey to save its inhabitants from a tyrannical leader."
An Honest and Open Dialogue About Space Chimps
I'd like to talk to you about something that's been weighing on my mind a lot lately.
Chimps. More specifically, Chimps in Space. Now, loyal readers to the program will remember that I had the idea for Tigers in Space way back in October of '07. So it was both joyful and bittersweet to see my idea come to fruition, only with Chimps switched out for the Tigers. This one also seems to be animated. Hmm, maybe this isn't my idea at all. Never mind, my squad of lawyers -- stand down!
But while we're all here let's break down this trailer (we're linking to Yahoo because we've heard through the grapevine that their traffic is really struggling lately):
Seconds one through ten: Trailer is rated PG. Fox is making the movie. Yawn. So far they've lost me.
:10-:19: Hey it's Putty from Seinfeld! And the star of the SNL Digital Shorts, Andy Samberg. Promising. However, leading off with a "dork" joke is another strike against the project. If you were expecting a gritty chimp drama you're clearly screwed.
:20-:29: Plot time! Okay, he's a chimp that lives among humans. They all speak English. Good, good. He's been chosen to go to space. I like it. This was a strong ten second portion. This story is set up for success!
:30-:39: Hmm, Revenge of the Nerds callback with the song. Voice over guy makes an appearance. Where is the action? Is there a space war perhaps? Will there be tigers at some point? Could this possibly be an extremely clever homage to Stanley Kubrick? My mind tingles with an unfettered curiosity. (Update: I'm informed by my crack research staff that it's not the same song. However, you try googling "da da da da da doo doo dee dee.")
:40-:49: Guy hits his head after being shot into a helicopter. I give them points for originality here. To my knowledge there's never been a solid cinematic shenanigan involving a helicopter. Also, the crew is announced. Luna, Titan, and Ham. Andy Samberg's guy is named "Ham." I hope he gets extra money for that.
:50-:59: What the hell, a banana joke?? I'm not sure these guys are taking the concept of Chimps in Space seriously. Where are the space walks?
1:00 - 1:09: Also, why is Andy (as animated chimp Ham) so afraid of space? Wouldn't he have gone through a rigorous training program first? If this movie is all about confronting the harsh truths involved with budget cutbacks in our space training program you can count me out.
The Rest of the Trailer: Andy (as animated chimp Ham) still doesn't know how to operate the shuttle. Also, and this is odd, when he calls OnStar for directions from space he has the voice of a chimp (instead of his normal Andy Samberg voice). Interesting. Alternate realities and such, I get it. A clear reference to the dichotomy of Calvin and Hobbes (which should also be a movie).
Conclusion: I've got to say I'm underwhelmed by this trailer. It would seem that these folk have taken the potentially brilliant concept of Chimps in Space and made an average kid's film. Sad stuff. I'll get over it eventually I suppose ... I just dream of a day when mammals in space films are treated with the reverence they deserve.
What's odd is that Samberg was already on the right track with "Laser Cats 3." Clearly Hollywood can mess up anything.
Laser Cats 3:
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Andy Samberg in this week's People Magazine
"Andy is on page 28 of this weeks People Magazine"
So go buy it!!!!
Lauren at the show:
That's all. Proceed with your shenanigans.
Andy Samberg - Learns about sexual lingo (Greased Lightning)
Greased Lightning
From Saturday Night Live, 4/05/08
Hosted by Christopher Walken, with musical guest Panic at the Disco
Andy, Kenan, and Jason learn about some sexual lingo (slang).
Greased Lightning - Christopher Walken
Right, so the sound on this is way off, but this is the only copy up right now.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Andy Samberg - Wants Kelly to do the face
Andy Samberg heckles Kelly (me) to do "The Face" that my friend Amanda brought up in coversation to him that I could do an impression of his character in the SNL Digital Short w. Ellen Page that I kept doing all night on standby the night before the Jonah Hill show. (This was filmed after Jonah Hill hosted)
Andy was complimented about the SNL Digital Short, where Jonah dates his dad. Andy says, "Thank you. It was Jonah's idea. He called us a week ago and told us..."
Andy Samberg - Rod & Denise (a tribute video)
"Just a video I put together using the song (I Just) Died in Your Arms."
Song: (I Just) Died in Your Arms - Cutting Crew
Sweet Hulkamania shirt.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Andy Samberg - Is not into watching Jorma getting spanked

Click the photo to see it larger and in charger.
Andy Samberg - dumps Nikki cuz the hole's too big
Yes, Andy Samberg is IN ths video...
This is a video with Andy in it, made by an NYU student, Nikki.
It takes place outside the SNL Studios and also features Will Forte.
"A mocumentary style comedy following a night in the life of a die-hard Andy Samberg fan and other SNL fans who make up her quirky circle."
Andy Samberg is on at 04:09 through 04:23 - ish.
At about 4:20 you can see Andy Samberg walking away with... Joanna Newsome! Take a look at her ears to confirm! =^)
Mad props to Will Forte. Seriously. He's eager to chat with fans like none other.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Laser Cats 3D Arcade Game!!!
Laser Cats 3D Arcade Game!!!

Click to play:

Andy's in the art of the game.
You actually play the cat in an Asteroids rip off.
I beat Pam's score. =^)
Can you beat Andy's or Akiva's scores?

Good to see Jorma's score in here. At least he's still involved with SNL enough to play this game...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Andy Samberg - Is a Chimp (Space Chimps Trailer)
Wow. This one actually looks like it might do well. The company, Vanguard, is a flop-maker (Valiant and Happily Never After), so we assumed this would help put them away. But the preview looks very solid. It looks hilarious.
The only problem is, well, they get to space. Then what? Where's the story? Other than the coolness of the animation and space exploration, and the humor of Andy Samberg's jokes, what are they selling here?
Notice that the story in the description isn't even hinted on here. Chimps and aliens? Really? Is that going to work? Why didn't they mention the aliens in the trailer? Do they think that would turn people off? Maybe.
I don't think people are going to buy in and go see it without a story being marketed, but we'll see. =^)
Thanks to Jen at JenandKatCandy for the 411 about this vid:
Andy Samberg - Gets Killed by Chocolate
Death By Chocolate: 1-3
Chocolate snuffs out life with gusto
Here are all three Death by Chocolate shorts. Andy Samberg comes on at about 10 seconds left. Casey is played by Snow White.
This might have been even funnier if they showed Andy dying. Funnier than Chocolate killing the bum and old lady, anyway.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Andy Samberg - Asks Kenan for some weed (Ashton Kutcher Monologue)
Ashton Kutcher Monologue
Ashton Kutcher opens the show and goes backstage
To be honest, this is a horribly painful bomb dive by Ashton.
That said, Andy makes it funny when he pops up near the end.
Andy comes on with 0:30 left on the video. Andy saved this skit!
Seriously, my guess is that this went down where they were all sitting around a table, Ashton was pitching this "great" idea about his mad "producing" skills, the cast members were all smiling and nodding (thinking, sure, it COULD be funny, if it was done right, which it wasn't). (Note that maybe one of the writers thought this up, Ashton loved it, and nobody had anything better in mind, in which case Ashton isn't the only one responsible for this stinker.)
And then Andy Samberg jumps in: "Hey. Maybe I could just walk up after you leave Kenan and ask him for some weed."
That's how I think it went down. Andy saved this skit. Watch it again. Andy and Kenan are funnier in this every time you see it.
Andy Samberg - Is Mr. Chairman (Cold Open - 4/12/08)
From 4/12/08
Andy's hilarious, just speaking.
The political Cold Opens continue. This one's pretty funny, and it's good to see that SNL is at least making fun of McCain a little.
I digress, but I can't believe that Hilary Clinton actually pointed to her SNL skit in a political debate. It's true, and she was talking to Barack Obama and Brian Williams, two guys who were on SNL a long time before she was.
So she comes off as whiney... observe...
Anyway, enjoy the Andy!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Andy Samberg - sings about his Daiquiri Girl
SNL Digital Short: Daiquiri Girl
Daiquiri Girl weaves an enchanted spell of drink and um, something else.
From 4/12/08
Wow. They really had nothing this week. Bummer. They can do better than this. I know they can. They've got to put more stuff on the table before making a decision to go with something like this.
The funny thing is that these digital shorts have become so popular, that they went with this rather than cutting it like they would have in the past.
This might have actually been okay, if they would have concentrated on the song and the lyrics rather than the joke that it was so bad.
They might have been telling the truth and had lined up Gnarls to do something cool, and then he flaked, but, honestly, they should have had a backup plan like actually writing a full song with funny lyrics for this Daiquiri Girl concept. Or they could have just grabbed Ashton and ran around filming stuff with him. That would have worked fine.
I'm sure they could have ran around and sang songs to fans, improvised, and then edited it to something funny.
I was in the same boat as Kathleen (see her comment) until they ruined it with the text. Then it just came across as whining and blaming Gnarls for their own inability to have a good backup plan. I would have preferred it if they just concentrated on making the song itself funny with actual lyrics and silly gags like pouring the drinks on each other. They bailed out on this one, and it shows.
What gives? Usually they drop stinkers like these in the dress rehearsals. No one was laughing in the audience. Was the text on TV? It seems like no one laughed at all at the text, so that makes me wonder if they added it just for the Internet release.
Saturday Night Live: 4/12/08 - Ashton Kutcher and Gnarls Barkley
Saturday Night Live: 4/12/08
Hosted by Ashton Kutcher
with musical guest, Gnarls Barkley
This is the Andy-less post (except for this first one) where we go through all the videos to make sure Andy isn't in them.
Cold Open: Petraeus Hearings
General Petraeus testifies before Senators Clinton, McCain, Obama, and um, Bill Hader. =^)
Andy's in this one. But it's mostly an ensemble piece.
The political Cold Opens continue. This one's pretty funny, and it's good to see that SNL is at least making fun of McCain a little.
I digress, but I can't believe that Hilary Clinton actually pointed to her SNL skit in a political debate. It's true, and she was talking to Barack Obama and Brian Williams, two guys who were on SNL a long time before she was.
So she comes off as whiney... observe...
Activia Yogurt
Jamie Lee Curtis gets a yogurt-fueled surprise
Kristen does some great impressions. Featuring Kristen, Amy, Ashton, and a little bit of Jason.
Gnarls Barkley - Run
Gnarls Barkley - Run [Live @ SNL]
Interesting music. Not bad.
Death By Chocolate #2
Chocolate snuffs out lives at a hospital
I'm sorry, but this is horrible. Bad humor. It might be funny on paper, but I can't believe they let this one get through.
Judy Grimes: Just Kidding
Weekend Update travel writer, Judy Grimes, is just kidding
Kristen Wiig is pretty funny. She's strong enough to play an extremely nervous person on TV rather than actually being nervous. Plus she speaks so fast and never seems to mess up. She's steel.
Overall, Kristen Wiig was the only one on fire here. There were a few good lines in the cold open, and Andy had one good "weed" gag, but this is pretty much the Kristen Wiig show. Come on, Andy! Bring on some digital short goodness! This also makes me wonder if Jorma's around...
Saturday Night Live: 3/15/08 - Jonah Hill and Mariah Carey
Cold Open: Gov. Spitzer
Gov. Spitzer announces his new line of work
Bill Hader's just not funny here. The topic is good, but this skit wasn't funny.
Suzie Orman Show
Kristen Wiig and Jonah Hill (Will Forte on the phone)
SNL - Suze Orman Show
Really with Seth and Amy: Spitzer
Really with Seth and Amy
This is a funnier take on the Spitzer news.
Weekend Update: Tracy Morgan
Black is the new President...
Hilarious ending. Tracy rocks. This is Chris Rock worthy.
I'm glad that SNL is doing some pro-Obama shtick. They were going pro-Hillary for two episodes. However, if they continue concentrating on the presidential elections, they really need to start covering McCaine. They don't seem to be covering him any (whether positive or negative).
Six Year Old
A 6 year-old is on fire at Benihana
How did Jonah get chosen to host SNL? LOL
Does anyone find him funny? I consider those audience laughs courtesy laughs.
MacGruber: All Three Shorts
All three shorts of MacGruber, including the Life Coach short (also featuring Bill Hader)
MacGruber: The Bank
MacGruber tries to diffuse a workplace rumor and a bomb with similar results
Jorma writes these.
MacGruber: Paint Factory
MacGruber loses it and hands over his job with similar results
This one has what I consider to be the funniest ending of all these MacGruber videos.
Is MacGruber explosion proof?
Ford on the Phone
The most uncoordinated president in history.
SNL is also posting their old presidential material. This really tells you how old SNL is, if Gerald Ford was being made fun of by SNL. Here's the great Chevy Chase:
Some of these are old gags, but they were new when Chevy was doing them. =^)
Chevy Chase owned physical comedy. It only took him one season to get super popular and leave for the movie business.
Ford's Speech
The debut of Chevy Chase's President Ford impression!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Andy Samberg - Looks like Ashton Kutcher's Twin (SNL Promo, 4/12/08)
This is for 4/12/08
Andy Samberg is hilarious! (Like you didn't know.)
It's hard for the SNL cast members to compete with Andy like this. I wonder if they just reserve Andy for when the hosts specifically request him, because my hunch is that they request him a lot to be in stuff like this, so hey only use him when he is requested (and they try to fit in the other cast members as much as possible in the other times).
For example, last week they had Kristen do one commercial with Walken and Amy do another.
With Ellen Page, they put Andy in 4 of them (2 with Bill also, and 2 with Kristen), so they were obviously trying to get others in on the Andyness as well.
Here Andy and Ashton want you to watch SNL on time:
I wonder if the SNL producers asked Andy to say something like this to try to get people to start watching on time.
Andy Samberg - Wants you to show up on time (SNL commercial for 4/12/08)
I wonder if the SNL producers asked Andy to say something like this to try to get people to start watching on time.
Song for TAE!!!!
This is a tribute video to us from JenandKatCandy. The girls have been giving Andy Samberg a lot of love lately, so they wanted to sprinkle some our way.
You girls are too much. We love it.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Andy Samberg - In his underwear (Computerman Auditions)
Channel101.com 's auditions for their show computerman starring Jack Black
The important parts start at 1:14, 1:53, & 2:41.
Thanks to Lauren at the Show for reminding us of this gem (http://www.youtube.com/thewebshow24769). It's probably been a year since we've seen it.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Andy Samberg - Shakes Hands (Backstage: After the 4/5 Show)
Fred Armisen reveals what happens after the show.
Check out Andy Samberg shaking some hands! Shake those hands, Andy!!!
This is also a nice little peak at what happens after SNL ends.
Fred Armisen - Likes Andy's Mirror sketch

Ellen Page and Wilco
I loved this episode. So many surprise guests and one of my favorite bands ever.
Ellen Page was great to have around. Easy going and friendly and was up for doing anything. I thought she was so good in everything too.
As I look at photos from this episode (thank you new and improved SNL site!) I remember that I really enjoyed this one. Watching Virginiaca from my dressing room, I was laughing all the way through. And that digital short! I have watched that online over and over. It's somehow scary and insanely funny at the same time.
Having Hillary Clinton there was just unreal. It's a different level of excitement when a political figure makes an appearance. She was so nice and seemed very happy to be there. The people on her staff were super cool as well. I still can't believe it happened.
Vincent D'Onofrio's appearance was surreal in another way in that I see him on TV all the time. I love how he confronts criminals in the last five minutes of "Criminal Intent" and I liked being two feet away from him doing that in the cold open.
Will Forte sounded SO much like Brian Williams in that sketch btw, didn't he? He told me that he happened upon that by accident over the summer. He was trying to do this other voice and all of a sudden realized "Hey...that sounds like Brian Williams!"
Wilco were amazing and it meant a lot to me that they were there. The band are old friends of mine and I used to work for Jeff Tweedy's wife at a club she owned in Chicago. Jeff used to play there all the time, so seeing him on the SNL stage while his wife and kids were backstage was amazing to me. And yes I am name dropping.
The Peter Pan sketch was so much fun, but man we must have rehearsed that a million times. The way it was shot was complicated, so we had to get it right for the cameras. Everyone in the cast gets punchy when we have to do that. I wish you could see how we pass the time when we are standing on the set around waiting for another rehearsal.
Very immature stuff.
Okay, thanks!
No, thank you, Fred!
From the comments...
I'm wondering why you didn't talk about her much-blogged about lesbian skit. It was all the talk in the gossip blogs after it aired. People were wondering what she was saying in it. = Did Ellen have any input in that skit or was it the writers who thought of the whole thing?
From what I've seen, the hosts have a ton of control (just about all of it), and my guess was that it was Ellen's idea, and that she felt the most comfortable around Andy, so she requested him to be in most of her skits (and he was).
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Saturday Night Live - 4/05/08 (Christopher Walken)
Christopher Walken hosted with musical guest, Panic at the Disco.
We're posting all the skits as we go through looking for Andy appearances. There was lots of Andy this week, which is sweetastic.
Googly Eyes Gardener
Indoor gardening tips from a man who's very scared of plants
LOL - This sounds like something that Andy Samberg and Jorma Taccone would write.
Bill & Hillary Cold Open
Bill & Hillary open up about their ability to make lots of money
These cold opens are typically reserved for celebrity appearances, or, more commonly, current news involving celebrities or politicians. Due to the presidential race, these have been mostly about politics, which often means no Andy (since he pretty much just does digital shorts, goofy side characters, and goofy celebrity impersonations).
Surprise Party
The suspense can be too much for some people
The ending is good. This is a Kristen Wiig piece. Glad to see they're using Casey appropriately. I'm curious if she'll be funny with her own skits.
Panic at the Disco
Really bad tapings of Panic at the Disco playing...
I Write Sins, Not Tragedies:
9 in the Afternoon:
Different taping of 9 in the Afternoon (some singing and harsh language):
Those vids will last a little while since they are video recordings of a TV.
Their actual music video for 9 in the Afternoon:
Pinkalicious talk about Panic after the show (on a train home):
The rest we found are all Andy vids that we'll post separately.
Ashton Kutcher hosting this week, 4/12/08

This week Ashton Kutcher is hosting Saturday Night Live. Why? Is he still making movies?
What do you think Ashton and Andy would do together? Do you think they'll make fun of Dude Where's My Car?
Musical Guest is Gnarls Barkley
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Andy Samberg - Pics at Much Music
"Yeah, so Andy Samberg was here yesterday, and I want to daaaaaaaaaate him. He's just the right amount of goofy, and ummmm, here are some pics."
Andy attacks!
Andy smiles!
Andy staches!
Lauren's not hot on Joanna Newsom (Andy's girlfriend)
From the comments:
I beg to differ. Newsom was made in heaven.
Sure, a tone deaf heaven.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Andy Samberg - Is Pregnant (Pregnant Man on Weekend Update)
The pregnant man stops by the Update desk
From 4/5/08, Christopher Walken episode, with musical guest, Panic at the Disco
Andy Samberg does these really goofy celebrity impressions. This is almost like a recurring charater, similar to his walk on as the Naked Guy with a cell phone.
Also similar to his silly impersonations like Sanjaya, Kevin Federline, and Diablo Cody.
Andy Samberg - Christopher Walken impression (Walken Family Reunion)
Christopher Walken has a family reunion...
Here is Andy Samberg doing his Christpher Walken impersonation. I actually think he's got the best impersonation here other than Bill Hader.
From 4/5/08, Christopher Walken episode, with musical guest, Panic at the Disco
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Andy Samberg - Laser Cats 3
Laser Cats 3 in 3D!
From 4/5/08, Christopher Walken episode, with musical guest, Panic at the Disco
Hahahahaha!!! Lots of new jokes here to keep it very fresh. Mad props to Andy Samberg and Bill Hader!
I was glad to see them pull out their old 3D joke from The Bu Episode 1. They kept it a little fresh as well, showing everybody wearing the 3D glasses.
Lauren and Elissa at the Web Show get drunk and then chime in on this video (and the whole SNL episode):
Fo mo of da sho:
(1) Added the second Christopher Walken commercial. Check it out here:
(2) Vote on the right. We're trying to see how people heard about our site.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
More cowbell tonight on SNL?
Can Andy be in on the cowbell magic?
And here Christopher Walken and Kristen Wiig have a little fun:
Andy Samberg - Kisses a Chimp
It's ironic that Andy plays an animated chimp in the upcoming movie, Space Chimp.
Here Andy Samberg does a photoshoot for Blender magazine. This is a video of the photography session.
Here are some images:

Check out the article:
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What do you think? Can Andy Samberg pull off a dramatic role? Can he break into drama? Thanks!
Tags (by frequency)
Andy Samberg SNL Promotions
- Andy & Anne Hathaway 2
- Andy & Emma Stone
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- Andy & Gabourey Sidibe
- Andy & Jennifer Lopez
- Andy & Charles Barkley
- Andy & Blake Lively
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- Andy & Ashton Kutcher
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- Andy & Jamie Pressly
- Andy & Scarlett Johansson
Some Favorite Andy Samberg Posts
- Andy as Jewey Fallon - Late Night with Jimmy Fallon
- Andy & T-Pain are glad that Jorma isn't on the boat
- Andy in Show Choir
- Andy in Rose Bowl Promo: Football Taping
- Andy's 2009 favorites
- MacGruber movie review
- Should SNL show digital shorts instead of domestic violence?
- John Hamm to host SNL again in January
- Andy in Nature of the Beast
- Why is SNL featuring so many young and attractive hosts?
- Saturday Night Live 12/5/09 - Blake Lively & Rihanna
- Andy nominated for a Grammy
- Andy & Blake Lively - SNL Promo
- Andy hangs with the SNL crew
- Blake, Taylor, and James hosting
- Does Andy have a big butt?
- Reba digital short
- Andy Samberg in The Mellow Show
- 10 ways to fix SNL (I wish this was a joke)
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt - SNL Promos
- Andy Samberg & Friends - Comedy Central's report
- What SNL Alumni should host SNL?
- in Lady's Guide To Throwing A Party
- "Get Out" Digital Short
- Andy & January Jones - SNL Promo
- Andy Samberg and Friends - Kristen's Review
- Andy Samberg and Friends - Stephanie's Review
- January Jones, Joseph Gordon-Levitt to Host SNL
- Full Episode: SNL 11/7/09 - Taylor Swift
- Taylor Swift gets Kanye'd already
- Andy Samberg Halloween costumes
- Should SNL cast members exploit commercials?
- Supports the elephants
- Night of Too Many Stars
- Loves his sweatshirt and Joanna Newsom
- Space Chimps 2?
- Yo Gabba Gabba - Behind the scenes
- Taylor Swift is hosting SNL
- National Bosses Day (Like a Boss)
- On the Ground - Behind the scenes (video)
- Late Night with Jimmy Fallon (videos - 10/13/09)
- on Yo Gabba Gabba (video)
- His Elle shoot (video)
- SNL, 9/26/09 - Megan Fox & U2
- Andy and friends at the Emmys
- Andy Samberg and Jimmy Fallon at the MTV VMAs
- Andy Samberg behind the scenes of "Cloudy" Video
- Andy Samberg on Martha Stewart