Here is a mocking of The Usual Suspects. Now the tides are turned as Andy Samberg lies to Kevin Spacey. This is a skit from Saturday Night Live.
When Kevin Spacey demands to know why Andy Samberg is late arriving at the studio, the mockful featured player fabricates a story right before his unsuspecting eyes.
Of note: the two bald guys who paint themselves gold, Kevin Spacey's pic is in the background, "stone philips" is a funny gag, the high-larious shot toward the end: "Eye saw ewe, I felt gill tea." And there is a guest appearance from Jorma, "Oh, um, Mr. Spacey, this fax came for you."
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Saturday Night Live is one of the best programs in worldwide television and of course it is the funniest. I will watch the video. Viagra Generic Viagra
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