His posts mostly talk about Saturday Night Live stuff. The image is regarding this post: "Like right now, I'm totally entertained by the fact that this mood icon dude looks a whole lot like me. Seriously, check out the nose and the chin."
Here's his bio. You'll notice that he's fake:
You'll also notice that his website link goes here:
I'm not sure who the fan was, but it's very convincing. The quote on the website link is also good: "I'm Christopher Walken, whazzaaaa?" That's from his Impression Off, which I blogged here:
Enjoy the fakeness!
The one thing that wasn't convincing to me was that he asked, "Which musical genre will we skewer next, and by way of which random piece of pop culture? Keep tuning in, people."
That's very un-Andy. That sounds like a promo from a non-Andy. Which is what it is.
Here are his four posts:
...Is not showing up:
Actually that is just a roleplaying journal, it's just for fun, they aren't claiming to be Andy. The Must Be Pop link is a disclaimer.
LiveJournal and other online blogs are known roleplay you make a journal with the username of a celebrity, like if they were roleplaying Chez, their username would be: chestertam, cheztam, etc.
just wanted to let you know!
Totally aware.
It's basically a justification for lying to people. They have to go into his profile, click a link, and then get a disclaimer? Please! Stop lying to yourself long enough to see that you're lying to other people.
I'm not against it, but really, don't call lying something that it's not! If it was role-playing, it would be done only with role-players.
Nice try, lyer!
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