Friday, September 15, 2006

Andy Samberg - His impressions

These are Andy Samberg's impressions from his first season (2005-2006) of Saturday Night Live.

Andy Samberg is Young Chuck Norris:

Andy Samberg is David Blaine:

Andy Samberg is Jack Johnson:

Andy Samberg is Michael Sessions:

All these images are from the SNL Archives:


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Andy Samberg is - Jack Johnson (JJ Casuals)

This is a video of Andy Samberg playing Jack Johnson. It was a commercial on Saturday Night Live.


Jack Johnson: Hi! I'm mellow pop-folk singer Jack Johnson. I like to keep it super casual. That's why I always go barefoot. But sometimes there are places you can't go without shoes.

[ cut to Husband and Wife at restaurant ]

Husband: Table for two, please.

[ Maitre'D looks down and sees barefeet ]

Maitre'D: I'm sorry, sir...we can not serve you without shoes.

[ Husband looks at wife looking suprised ]

[ cut back to Jack Johnson ]

Jack Johnson: That's why I invented a new kind of shoe for the laid back lifestyle. [ he holds up a pair of JJ Casuals ] JJ Casuals.

[ sings ]

"Keep it casual, whatever.
Keep it natural, with shoes that look like feet.
Things get hectic but don't sweat it
Keep it JJ Casuals.
Mmm mmm, do you like to keep it mellow?
Can you dig it?
Shoes that look like feet."

[ Husband and Wife go back to restaurant ]

Maitre'D: I've told you, we cannot serve you without shoes.

Wife: But he is wearing shoes.

[ Maitre'D looks down ]

Maitre'D: Oh, JJ Casuals. My apologies, sir. Right this way.

Jack Johnson V/O: [ sings ]
"JJ Casuals.
Shoes that look like feet."

Transcript from:

To Watch The Video

JJ must really like the skit, because it's on the official Jack Johnson website...

Step 1 - Cut a hole in the... I mean, click "Bonus Videos" on the upper right of the site.

Step 2 - Click the icon four videos down, on the left.

And here's Jack Johnson talking about Andy's impression:


Andy Samberg - Google-ful jpeg

It's hard to find an image of Andy Samberg (from Saturday Night Live) in his Ron Google character done at the MTV Movie Awards (hosted by Jessica Alba).

The text behind him almost looks like a chalk board. Weird.

Here's my blog for the video:


Andy Samberg is - The Swedish Chef

Updated 10/21/09 - Added a longer video of this sketch.

Andy Samberg is the Swedish Chef! Enjoy this commercial from Saturday Night Live that advertises Swedish Chef Ringtones!

One thing I love about Andy is that he gets that jokes should be short sometimes. He knows this is a one-laugh gag, he nails it, and he leaves.


Andy Samberg for Taco Town

Andy Samberg costars with Doug and Bill in this Saturday Night Live commercial for Taco Town.

The best line is, "Pizza?! Now that's what I call a Taco!"


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