Monday, June 09, 2008

Andy Samberg - Flies with his Harpist (Joanna Newsom)

NEW: 3/27/09 - Is Andy Samberg dating Aubrey Plaza?

6/9/08 Update:

Andy Samberg is all business. It looks like he makes Joanna happy.


Has Andy's hair become uncool? Does he need a haircut? Lorne Michaels has told Andy repeatedly that he should cut his hair (Andy revealed this in an interview).




Posted on 6/5/08:

Up the escalator! It's nice that Andy is carrying most of the bags.

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No, Andy! Don't be distracted by the pixie! Concentrate on getting through security or you'll hold up the line!

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Is Andy Samberg taking off the bag or putting it on? I think he's taking it off to run it through the security check.

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Waiting in line in silence. I think they're looking at the front of the security line.

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Here Andy grabs the bag after it got through security. With the hair, glasses, and shirt, Andy looks like he's out of the 70's!

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What's interesting here is that both dudes walking toward Andy and Joanna are looking down at Joanna's hand. What are they looking at??? Take a look at the larger image below to see what I mean.

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Andy is separated from Joanna! Ladies, swoop in! Swoop in!

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Aww, Andy Samberg is smiling! Maybe he actually likes Joanna? Is that why they're going out?

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Even Andy Samberg can't walk a jacket through airport security. What's the world coming to???

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Posted on 6/4/08:

Are Andy's shoes untied with the shoelaces tucked under the tongue? Click below to see what I mean better.

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Most people don't seem to be recognizing them. Maybe the glasses do work? They at least seem to weed out the majority.

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Let's see. It says Benjamin Cho. Clever. Ugly, but clever.

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Joanna, you need to take your shoes off. You may have small harps or other dangerous weapons hidden in your shoes!!!

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Andy! You have to put your jacket through the X-ray! Speaking of jackets, Andy has said that he stopped wearing the jacket he wore in the Narnia Rap (Lazy Sunday) cuz too many people recognized him!

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Posted on 6/3/08:

The glasses won't hide you!!!! You'd have to hide your hair and chin too!!!!


She looks so young! Weird bag.

Andy flies American! So patriotic!!!!


No, Andy! Don't fly first class! Sit in the back with your knees under your chin like the rest of us!!!!




Posted on 6/2/08:

Andy, you can run, but as soon as you need to fly, the paparazzi will get you!!!! (Unless you start hiring a private jet.)

So, Andy goes to the airport again. This time he flies with his harpist, Joanna Newsom.

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The article:

Saturday Night Live's Andy Samberg and his harpist girlfriend Joanna Newsom depart from Los Angeles International Airport on Thursday.

We can just imagine what Andy says to his buddies back in New York on the show set about his lady friend: "You know what they say about harpists... they can pull your strings! Get it?" (cue buddies groaning)

Seriously though: The guy grew up in Berkeley, California. We can see why he digs the hippie chicks.






Anonymous said...

I kinda love him for having a REALLY F**KIN' unattractive girlfriend...he's modest!

Anonymous said...

He must really be into her personality!...'cause her looks aren't much to say the least!

Anonymous said...

For luck, did she drink unicorn tears and fairy dust before getting on board?

P.S. In case you missed it...
she's f**ing weird?!?!

ANDY...You're in a weird Newsom spell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't do it Andy...

You'll alienate your fans 'cause she is just bizzare...and I mean completely INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OH...She has special needs..
Don't make fun..Andy just escosts her to her shows 'cause she can't.

Joanna...You're pretty!
Yes, you're a pretty girl.
..sooo pretty!!

Anonymous said...

He's just clearly escorting a special needs gal on an airplane...

Anonymous said...

Andy...She IS Soooo Weird!
Just look on YouTube.
People Honest to Goodness Hate Her...
Your sooo nice don't be like...HER!!!!!!!!!!...THAT F**IN WEIRDO!!

Anonymous said...

Andy is just being a gentleman and escorting a person who needs extra special help....

Ahhh...he's sooo nice.

I'm not kidding these are my special pictures of my special friend.

She has special needs.

Anonymous said...

Oh Joanna...
You're pretty...
Yes, you are...
Your pretty, pretty

God's special little harp playing clown!

Anonymous said...

why all the joanna hate? i think they make a great couple.

Anonymous said...

Only acceptable humans can see she's hot. I love her.

Anonymous said...

It is really creepy to the point I don't want to check on this site, b/c all of these invasive pictures are posted. It's not just being a fan, it's disturbing- who needs this many images. Plus,why are people that concerned with his personal life- let them be. Geesh.

Ed Price said...

Re: "It is really creepy to the point I don't want to check on this site, b/c all of these invasive pictures are posted. It's not just being a fan, it's disturbing- who needs this many images. Plus,why are people that concerned with his personal life- let them be. Geesh."

That's fair. That's fair. The truth is that we are merely reporting the information that already exists. Someone took a lot of pictures of him at a very public place... the airport. He wasn't followed into his home or a restaurant. Some celebrities fly private jets and planes for this reason. Andy doesn't seem to care.

We got a lot of feedback that people were looking for recent photos of him. We mostly posted this many photos of him because so many people are interested in seeing him and Joanna together. So, if everybody disagrees with what everybody seems to have been saying, then, please, let us know. =^)



Anonymous said...

A hippie harpist without a major label record deal who has a love for Chanel.

When I look at these pics "hypocrite" and "Gold Digger" come to my mind.

Wake up, Andy!!!!!

Anonymous said...

She's not that bad. I've kinda fallen in love with one of her songs lately. But that's beside the point. Andy should be dating somebody who is worthy of his gorgeous face.

Anonymous said...

Everyone who keeps calling her ugly has obviously never heard any of her music, also the real tragedy here is Bill. Also the blogger is really unfunny.

Ed Price said...

Alright, Anonymous, I'm calling you out! Post some better puns for these images and I'll include those jokes instead!


Anonymous said...

if you don't know who he is why are you on this blog?

Anonymous said...

Yes, really, why all this Joanna hate?
She is beautiful and extremely gifted and makes great music.
I think she's a great girl
and I think they are a really cute couple. It's sweeet.

Anonymous said...

A hippie harpist without a major label record deal who has a love for Chanel.

When I look at these pics "hypocrite" and "Gold Digger" come to my mind."

Although she doesn't have a major label record deal (a good thing), she would still make a hell of a lot of money each year. She plays sold out concert halls around the world to thousands of adoring fans.

I also know for a fact that she received a six figure sum for the use of one of her songs in an Australian tourism campaign.

She hardly needs Andy's cash.

It would pay for you to do at least a little research.

It also appears that Andy was the one that went after her, given that he admitted to being a fan of her music well before they started dating.

Joanna and Andy are both awesome. God for them.

Anonymous said...

they are adorable ; )

SBurke said...

who are you sad sad people talking so disgustingly about one of the most talented musicians to have ever come out of your pathetic country.

Ed Price said...

Whoa, Sarah! I'm all for everybody fighting out their opinions on Andy and Joanna, but "your pathetic country?"


This is where the hamburgers are, baby!!!


Ed Price said...

Levi Hitler,

By "chutzpah" do you mean...




Anonymous said...

Wow, most of the posters here are morons. Joanna Newsom is incredibly beautiful and a musical genius. Andy Samberg is a lucky man!

Akolade said...

Most of these comments make me sad to be part of the human race.
I also think Andy is pretty rad too.

Anonymous said...

This is all pretty ridiculous, I feel almost embarrassed to be partaking in online hate-gossip, but I stumbled upon this and feel the need to just tell you all to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Newsom is an amazing artist and if you took the time to look past "how ugly" you think she is and look into her work and what she does, you'd see it as well. Yes, Andy is ridiculously good looking but she's a pretty girl. You're all probably fat and 15 anyway, Get over it.

Ed Price said...

"You're all probably fat and 15 anyway,"

Hahahahahaha. Nice.


Madeline Ash said...

judgmental f*%ks, her lyrics are beyond beautiful, andy is not funny, jesus, he doesnt deserve her, i would gay for her, she has honestly changed my life, leave your negative F%^&ing comments about her to yourself, you no talent sh%#s... yes i am peturbed at most of you people

Kayy said...

who is she?? but really, i've never hear of her. she really cant be taht special.
i mean i knw and love him!!
i mean like come on, hiss soo hot you'd think he'd have a ht girl friend that people knw.

audreY said...

All you guys love at least one of them so WTF?!? If they are HAPPY together, isn’t it what we want??

Tres Chic said...

I love people's airport outfits...Andy looks like a normal dude travelling, I think the sunglasses are a bit ridiculous, but alright, everyone does it, fair enough.
But Joanna...darling, what is with the top? She is pretty in that awkward model way, so she could do SO much better with the outfit...the top is despicable, it looks like a pyjama top. And the shoes don't match the all. And the bag is horrible.
She looks fabulous in all her modelling shots, I wonder why she doesn't dress like that in real life. Or at least wear things that match and don't look tacky.

Unknown said...

andy is one of the most attractive people on the face of this entire planet, and yes i hate his girlfriend and want to call her an fugly hippy freak like the rest of u; but we al know thats completely out of jealousy, in all actuality shes pretty in a elfin, nymph-like way. true i never heard about her until she dated andy, but obviousy he did. but whatever this is andys PERSONAL life and i can always shut my eyes and pretend hes never even heard of her:)

Anonymous said...

ok i freakin' love andy samberg but i do agree joanna newsom is a talented harp player but when she sings it worse than the screech of train tracks. Andy id gorgeous but joanna not so hot i mean she is ok for a normal person but not for him

Anonymous said...

you people are rude! he and joanna make a great couple. she's not wierd, she's different.. probably unlike half of you people leaving hate comments about her

MamaBee said...

Knowing that he's in a relationship with someone who seems so genuine and true to themselves (much like he), as opposed to random shallow skanks he COULD be with on a daily basis, is refreshing. It makes him more likeable. Bottom line, they're both gifted people and seem like a good fit.

Nicky said...

I don't know Jo that much.
But I realllyyy like Andy.
Although I'm disappointed that he's taken, it's not like I hate her!
How can I hate someone I don't know?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
If Andy thinks she's pretty, then good. I do too.

Anonymous said...

She has a face like someone hit her with a frying pan.. Whats more to say?

Andy could do better.

Anonymous said...

Here's a good question... why would Andy want to date any of you shallow girls who can't see past Joanna's unattractiveness?

I think she's alright looking, but have you ever heard of a MEANINGFUL relationship with someone who has a PERSONALITY that you adore?

Your jealousy and insecurities are pouring out here.

Anonymous said...

I think Joanna is quite gorgeous.
Her music is wonderful.
He isnt the most attractive man and everyone is saying how he needs a more attractive woman?
Is that what this country has come to? Only really attractive celebrities must date other really attractive celebrities?
Shallow is the word that comes to mind.

Why do we even care anyways?

SBurke said...

is it important to be beautiful. and why? and what does it mean for an ugly person to love a cutie and vice versa. vice versa. does it mean that the girl is cool and thinks more. or should we all be dating our double.

Amber said...

These comments are disgusting and downright hateful. I have been captivated by Joanna's music and beauty for years. No man is worthy of her in my opinion!

Anonymous said...

All you guys out there saying " she's ugly" and " her voice sucks." and shit like that you really need to shut up. I'm a huge Andy Samberg fan too but i don't go hating on somebody just because there dating your crush. Joanna is unique and beautiful, sure i would want to get in Andy's pants any day but he's happy being with Joanna. I think there cute together and if Andy's happy, i am! So shut the fuck up and get used to the fact that there dating because whatever you say won't make a difference! :)

Anonymous said...

bitch leave my andy samberg alone i hate you go be with someone else like akon. andy is mine understand. WILL YOU MARRY ME ANDY SAMBERG? I LOVE YOU ANDY SAMBERG.

Anonymous said...

oh my god. I just watched B99 for the first time and im on the last episode :(. I thought itd be fun, looking at some pictures of the couple but these comments along with the weirdly taken pics are very disturbing. I absolutely love them both, and they are made for eachother.

Anonymous said...

oh wow. its been so many years

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