Here they are at the Comedy Awards this week!
Thanks to Rayanna Janae for the scoop!
Are you happy, surprised, or frustrated by this news?
Whether you're new to the Emmy-winning and Grammy-nominated Andy Samberg or you're looking for the latest Andy news, images, and videos, come here to find out about the king of The Lonely Island, Saturday Night Live, Lazy Sunday, Laser Cats, Junk in a Box, Dear Sister, Hot Rod, J**z in My Pants, I'm on a Boat, Mother Lover, On the Ground, and Shy Ronnie. Next movies: What's Your Number, and Friends with Benefits.
Kinda happy, but also frustrated. Rather see Andy happy and making comedy than broken-hearted. :) Still though, I bet the millions of women in love with Andy won't be too pleased overall (including me!).
Just wanted to say that I LOVE this blog! It's so informative, and I like how you update often. I come back every day. :D
selfishly frustrated!
im all for whatever makes the guy happy but EUGH breaks my heart!
also RE: tour comments - I'm not 100% sold - Andy sounded TERRIBLE at madison square garden with JT
omgg when r they gonna break up... im mad... >:(
No offense, but how many celebrities end up with non-celebrities? And how many of you are celebrities? Move on with your lives. At least he's not with America's mattress, Jennifer Aniston, as some websites had suggested.
Thank you! And you have a cool name! It's a lot of fun, and it helps a lot when you guys comment or email us links. So thank you everyone!
Yeah, he's not a trained singer, but I think his singing has gotten better. That was back in January 2007! Rapping is also tough live. Only like Eminem sounds good live. It's really hard to do, but they're getting better at that too. I'm hoping to find a video of TLI performing I Just Had Sex at the Comedy Awards so I can listen to how they did for that performance. Thanks!
Anony 3,
Why do they call Jennifer Aniston America's mattress? Has she been with a lot of guys? I haven't been tracking the gossip well I guess (which is actually probably a good thing). =^)
Thanks everyone!
I truly love their smiles:).
And,I love this blog,too:)!
But my English is not very well~HAHA.
Wanna see more Andy!
i don't like her at all. and not because she's with andy, just because i think she's weird!
I looooove this blog. I check it every day. It's pretty awesome! Thanks!!! :)
I'm happy for them and not jealous anymore. I shouldn't really have been in the first place; I'm a teenager. Plus, great blog, you guys!
Thank you for the compliments go out to Yanos, funnygirl, and snlfreak98! We appreciate you guys and you're welcome!
I'm really happy for them both! I think they're both geniuses and they make an amazing couple.
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