Isaac Cohen, Britney Spears’s latest guy, is getting a lot of attention lately — not just for dating the divorced diva but also for his supposed resemblance to Spears’s ex, Kevin Federline.
Maybe Cohen and Federline have the same facial hair. But does anyone else out there think that Cohen looks more like Andy Samberg in his now famous Saturday Night Live short with Justin Timberlake?
It’s an interesting theory, especially in light of the recent Diaz-Timberlake split and the nagging question of whether Britney’s after Justin again. She sure should be — his star’s on a major upswing while hers is trawling the depths.
Sources told TMZ they felt a reconciliation between the two was unlikely, but the website also reports that the pop stars’ mothers talk to each other on a regular basis.
This is why not:
Dating Isaac, who looks like Andy, who’s now close to Justin, as a way to make Justin jealous?
It’s inefficient. It’s unlikely. And as it turns out, it’s also over, as Britney tells X17 that she and Cohen aren’t together.
That Samberg guy. Is he single?
Answer - No, he's not single:
From Daniela:
Here's another article I found that Andy is mentioned in.
The Big question in this article is - Does anyone think that Issac Cohen look more like Andy Samberg in his Saturday Night Live short with Justin Timberlake ?
My answer to that question would be a "no", but I'm sure everyone else would have a different opinion.
They also have an interesting theory, but I would like to think that Andy Samberg would never date Britney Spears, he's too smart to be in all that drama.
so funny, in the pictures of andy and joanna together, she's always the one with her arm on him- not the usual other way around.
just an observation :) haha
oh lord. :?/
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