Note: The concensus is that this Jorma Twitter account is fake.
Whether you're new to the Emmy-winning and Grammy-nominated Andy Samberg or you're looking for the latest Andy news, images, and videos, come here to find out about the king of The Lonely Island, Saturday Night Live, Lazy Sunday, Laser Cats, Junk in a Box, Dear Sister, Hot Rod, J**z in My Pants, I'm on a Boat, Mother Lover, On the Ground, and Shy Ronnie. Next movies: What's Your Number, and Friends with Benefits.
Jorma has a twitter?!?
No, they're fake.
Actually, I was thinking that for this season of SNL they need to start to have Seth Meyers in more skits like they used to. He's only in the Weekly Update.
That's what I was thinking I miss Seth being in skits
not gonna happen. he doesn't even miss it. he likes just being on wu and being head writer. thats enough to do.
Seth is fantastic in skits, but I don't find WU funny. Sucks if that's what he'd rather do.
Jorma has a Twitter?
No, Jorm's twitter is fake. I don't find the weekend update that funny either. It's just news and they put jokes after it. We need more Seth and Andy in skits. I think they're running out of hosts too. They seem to be using the same one's.
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