Our first question...
angysambergx3 said:
Hey, I stumbled upon this screenshot of Andy on some snl skit that I've never seen before:
Do you guys have the link or the name of the skit?
Yes! This is Andy Samberg doing an impression of Conor Oberst.
Episode 1450 | Season 31
No video is available.
He did this impression only one time, in a commercial skit called, "I Do Not Agree With Many Of This Administration's Policies"
The skit took place on 5/20/06, the Kevin Spacey episode (the same one where Andy Samberg made fun of The Usual Suspects).
Here is the cast in that skit:
Kevin Spacey ... Neil Young
Rachel Dratch ... Natalie Maines
Chris Parnell ... Announcer (voice)
Amy Poehler ... Martie Maguire
Maya Rudolph ... Emily Robison
Andy Samberg ... Conor Oberst
This was Andy Samberg's first season. Andy was working hard to do lots of impressions, get air time, and remain valuable to SNL (each season counts). Nowadays, the machine is in motion, and Andy gets requests from the writers and producers more. He doesn't have to press so hard to get air time, and the show reserves him as a "big gun," meaning that they try to limit him to just the skits that will become legendary. The exceptions are when one of his friends hosts (such as Seth Rogen or Shia Lebeauf and they pretty much put him in all the skits.
At the beginning of the "Just 2 Guyz" video, you can see a door in the house that has a sign that says something like "Danger Andy's Room" Was this a prop, or just an adorable sign Andy actually posted on his bedroom door? Also, what dangers should one be aware of before entering Andy's room?
Wacky fan #136,487
Wow, Karm. You're a diehard fan! This is an actual sign. More in a blog post. Thanks!
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