Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Andy Samberg at the Emmys 2009: Red Carpet

Update: Added another video of Andy and TLI. In this one Andy gives his favorite curse word and reveals that he thinks Lost should be remade into a new show. And we added the link to a new Justin Timberlake interview where he mentions he'd do another SNL digital short. Originally posted 9/20/09.

Justin mentions doing another short with Andy (thanks Anony):


New vid: Andy gives his favorite curse word and reveals that he thinks Lost should be remade into a new show:

Link to the vid:

Thanks for this scoop from "The Anony who got the Miss Piggy reference." =^)

I'd have to agree with Jorma. Alf needs to be updated.

Andy and the dudes interviewing it up for TV.com:

Justin Timberlake interviewage:

Here are some photos of Andy on the red carpet with girlfriend Joanna Newsom in tow.

More photos at WireImage.com and GettyImages.com

Also check out this video of the Lonely Island (my favorite part is when Andy become afraid of the bee, his fear seems genuine, lol)

And check out this video from TV Guide as well!



Anonymous said...

TLI posted another chester vid. on their facebook page! :)- I had the link to one of the vids. you posted above with the other one, lol, so, now just letting you know. Thanks for posting al of this. I wish the interviewers, especially TV Guide were more responsible journalists and knew who Kiv and Jorm are and their music and all of their contributions. It's like when E! interviewed them, too. Oh well, soon. I wish they had one, but glad they were recognized. **tear**, they're still winners to us. **sob** haha.

Anonymous said...

Funny Picture:

Anonymous said...

Whoops, the Chester video was the Cloudy one! My bad.

makenzie, said...

i think they did jinks themselves... motherlover should have won... oh well.

Ed Price said...


Well I think it's okay that it didn't win, but Ji** in My Pants and I'm on a Boat should have been nominated instead. Both were better visually, and it's pretty rare that a sequel song would even get nominated, let alone win. At least they got the nomination though.


Anonymous said...


Vote for your Favorite Digital Short! Rate the Top Thirteen! Paste the link in your browser and it'll take you to the Huffington Post. Enjoy:)

Anonymous said...

Great article on shorts!


Anonymous said...

last comment should say digital shorts if that wasn't apparent :)

Anonymous said...

Part Two of hte Digital shorts homage @ the huffington post website is now also online. It covers the shorts since the early days, but plays particular homage to the happiness the dudes bring! The first link is above and should link to the part two from there! Enjoy:)

makenzie, said...


haha, yeah it was kinda sad that SNL didn't even win either, but either way it's funny. next year... hopefully they will win. the only reason i watched the stupid thing was to see if SNL won anyway, haha.

Anonymous said...

Joanna can be cool, but her Emmy's outfit was HORRENDOUS. I can only sum it up as: crazy American Apparel serpent green nylon, chonga, peasant skirt mess, all held together with a mess load of crystals and strained back genie hair.

not good.

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