Thursday, October 08, 2009

Andy Samberg - Hosting WWE Raw (on Oct 26th)

(the image is unrelated, but kind of makes sense)


Saturday Night Live cast member Andy Samberg appeared on 97 Rock's Norton in the Morning Show out of Buffalo, New York to talk about his upcoming comedy show called Andy and Friends.

When one of the hosts asked him if he had any other upcoming projects he said he had been contacted to host an upcoming RAW episode in October emanating from Buffalo. RAW is scheduled for Buffalo on the 26'th later this month.

After the hosts joked with him asking if he had to wear tights to get that gig Samberg laughed it off and said no but he would be debuting a new Digital Short he's been working on for RAW starring some of the WWE Superstars. This makes sense because SNL airs on NBC which owns the USA Network.

From: is now reporting that SNL star Andy Samberg stated on a radio show today in Buffalo that he has been approached by WWE to host Monday Night Raw. If he does, the date would be October 26th. Samberg also announced that he is working on a digital short featuring WWE Superstars.




Anonymous said...

Is this for real? Sounds fun!

Ed Price said...

Yes, and apparently NBC and USA have the same parent company, so it makes sense for them to look for good matches like this.

Plus Andy's core crowd is the same as the wrestling crowd, and Andy grew up watching Hulk Hogan (and others), so it makes sense for several reasons.

- TAE said...

Thank you for the post, pretty helpful info.

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